December / Diciembre 2023
November / Noviembre 2023
September / Septiembre 2023
Too Rich, Too Smart
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
His brilliancy keeps jumping the tracks, but I keep buying tickets to get back on the ride.
At Least I Know I'm Crazy
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The world can be divided into two types of people, those who know that they are crazy and those who don't.
Horror and Mockery, Open-Pit Mines
by José Luis Mendoza
Let's promote alternatives that prioritize the conservation of our natural heritage and the dignity of our communities.
Picnicking as Prayer
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The Europeans make fun of Americans for our habit of bathing so frequently.
Atención Returns
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Whoever steps forward now has to raise something up out of the ashes.
I Loved Atención, Too
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
You can't please all of the people all of the time.
Who's Happy Now? - Atención
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The Mexicans say, "Pueblo chico; inferno grande," Little town, big hell.
Our Hometown Newspaper
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The Atención that we knew and loved left the building a long time ago
My Publishing Career
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
The publisher spent a lot of money trying to revive her, but the old lady wouldn't come back.
A Happy Father's Day
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
How can the child conceptualize the ancestral traumas that give rise to his personal suffering?
A Second Chance
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Our genes turn on and off in relation to our surrounding environment.
Burn It Down
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
"When Mexicans see you getting ahead, they want to pull you back."
Sweet Madness
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
We humans survived, not because we are fast or strong, but because we cooperate.
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Think of it as mental tasing.
Take Me Out
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Civilization is carried forth to deny the horror of existence.
Normalizing Violence?
by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
How can we allow our mothers, sisters and daughters to be murdered?
A Boy On a Beach
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Below the border, the simple things of living take on mysterious significance.
Self-Hating Jews
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Q is very Jewish and a bit shy and guilty about it, which is also very Jewish.
The Avalanche of Images
by José Luis Mendoza Aubert
It was a delight to imagine without being run over by an avalanche of pre-digested images.
Bump, Bump, Bump
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
America has turned into a theme-park, polished, but inauthentic.
Selling Miracles
by Noren Cáceres, owner La Frontera
I have made it difficult for myself, fought growing up every step of the way.
Where's Home?
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
Home is where people understand, and care to understand.
Fallen Beauty
by Dr. David, Editor / Publisher
There is a metaphor in all this, probably several, especially for someone as old as me.