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San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México
Classes Tours Nightlife Galleries Restaurants Newsletter
Bread and Torah - mixed

February 16-18, Friday 12pm, Saturday 9am, Sunday 10am
JC3, Calle de las Moras 47
Baking workshops: 100 p members/150 p non-members
Calligraphy: 50 p members/70 pesos non-members
Art and Spirituality Presentation: 100 p members/150 non-members

Bread and Torah - mixed

Our friends Rabbi Linda Motzkin and Rabbi Jonathan Rubenstein, who spent several weeks with us in March and April of 2015, will be returning for a brief visit in February, with a full weekend of teaching and renewing connections.

Here is what we have planned for the weekend:

Friday, Feb. 16th
12 noon: Challah making workshop with Rabbi Jonathan, including some learning on the mitzvah of hafrashat challah ("separating the challah")
6 pm: Kabbalat Shabbat led by our guest rabbis, followed by potluck dinner

Saturday, Feb. 17th
9 am: The rabbis will join us for KSSMA's Shabbat Shacharit services and the Torah discussion group after kiddush.
6 pm: Pre-havdalah talk on Tsa'ar Ba'alei Chayim – treatment of animals in Judaism. The key Jewish principle of Tsa'ar Ba'alei Chayim – the prohibition against causing suffering to animals – concerns our treatment of the creatures we utilize to meet so many of our human needs. We will look at ancient and modern Jewish texts and discuss how to apply these values in our individual and communal practice.
7:17 pm: Havdalah
7:30 pm: Hebrew Calligraphy workshop with Rabbi Linda--An introduction to the basic forms and strokes that comprise the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. Calligraphy pens and alphabet charts will be provided.

Sunday, Feb. 18th
10 am: Babka workshop with Rabbi Jonathan – aka "Beauty and the Yeast". Learn how to make babka, sticky buns, and other coffee cakes using a rich yeasted dough
12 noon: Art and Spirituality presentation with Rabbi Linda --In addition to being a soferet (Torah scribe) and parchment maker, Rabbi Linda is an artist who makes Hebrew calligraphic art works, based on Jewish texts and themes, on her handmade deerskin parchment. She will show slides of some of her work and share the teachings they portray.

More information about Rabbis Linda and Jonathan

Reserve here

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