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San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, México
Duke Ellington Tribute

Saturday, January 12, 7-8:30pm
St Paul's Church, Cardo 6
$250, 350

Tribute to Duke Ellington

Joan Yonkler,#singer
Bobby Kaplan, #singer and #drums @bobbykappjazz
Gabriel Hernández,#piano
Alfred Thompson, #saxophone
Antonio Lozoya, #bajo y dirección musical @antoniolozoya_bass

Edward Kennedy Ellington, better known as Duke Ellington (or as Stevie Wonder called him “Sir Duke”) is one of the USA’s most important legacies. His music represents one of the greatest contributions to art that the United States has ever developed.

As he put it, “Jazz is a good barometer of freedom… In its beginnings, the United States of America spawned certain ideals of freedom and independence through which, eventually, jazz was evolved, and the music is so free that many people say it is the only unhampered, unhindered expression of complete freedom yet produced in this country.”

His songs, such as Mood Indigo, It Don’t Mean A Thing If It Ain’t Got That Swing, and Sophisticated Lady, have been recorded by greats such as Ella Fitzgerald, Sarah Vaughan, Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra, and Miles Davis.

On Saturday, January 12 at Saint Paul’s Church, the San Miguel Jazz Festival will celebrate the music of Duke Ellington with some of San Miguel’s own jazz greats: Gabriel Hernández on piano, Bobby Kapp on vocals and drums, Antonio Lozoya on bass and Joan Yonkler on vocals.

Tickets can be purchased at Solutions or via PayPal:

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