San Miguel de Allende
Guanajuato, Mexico

Lokkal is a user-generated, searchable, geographically-specific, business-cultural-community-social network, with a comprehensive event calendar for each town and city.

Click on icons (to see our thematic search) or type into the search bar.

On Lokkal when you like a page you receive its posts, just like Facebook used to be.

Making a page on Lokkal is as simple as copy and paste, and there are design options. Choose the tags you want and your page appears in the results when someone searches for those tags.

Visit our comprehensive calendar of events for your town or city.


There is local TV. There is local radio. There are local newspapers. Now there is local internet.
Lokkal is an interactive community guide, a local internet channel, digitally representing the life of the community.
Lokkal democratizes media, putting the power of digital communication within reach of community members.

When you organize the internet around a search algorithm, you get Google. When you organize the internet around friends and family, you get Facebook. When you organize the internet around communities and neighborhoods, you get better communities and neighborhoods, you get Lokkal.

When you want your friends and family to know, use Facebook. When you want everyone to know, use Lokkal.

Until today local search did not work. No one wants to comb through that mountain of irrelevant results. Thank you Google technicians, but we do not need your algorithm; we will present our own community to the world.


Planetary Consciousness
Lokkal actualizes the promise and potential of the worldwide web, organizing the internet on an intuitive basis, by location, by towns and cities. It provides a local matrix around which community-based content crystalizes and flows around the neighborhood and around the world.

Lokkal facilitates inter-community communication and cross-pollination. You can see and learn from what other communities are doing. Read what is being blogged in Damascus. Check out what movies are playing in Shanghai. Get a PhD in anthropology by studying the catering practices in Southeast Asia.

Lokkal provides the edification of travel, without the airplane. Ignorance keeps us apart. Knowledge draws us together.

The internet is the brain of the world. Until now it has been a disordered brain. Lokkal is an interactive experience of planetary consciousness. Users can feel the planet.

Consciousness is evolving. The only hope for this planet is planetary consciousness.

100% of our profits are donated back to the community.